Pitchforks are a common theme in Chris Anthony’s photography book “Thanks we’ll take it from here”. The work examines the disparity of wealth between the 1 percent and the rest of us, presenting revolution as not just ideal, but damn near inevitable.
“The subject matter is Income/Wealth Inequality,” Anthony explains. “Inspired by past Revolutions, the book is a visual tale of modern day Revolutionaries protesting the banksters of corporate America, the ultra-rich and the politicians who enable them.”
Through a mixture of expertly written essays and hauntingly gorgeous photography, the book feels like something straight out of the paranoid nightmares of the super rich. With LA as his backdrop, Anthony couples images of extreme poverty with wealth and revolution, leaving the viewers with a visual melting pot of urban decay and civil unrest, served cold. If rich folks weren’t already anxious about their day of reckoning, Anthony’s “Thanks we’ll take it from here” might be the thing that tips the scales.
“I've been working on this project for over 5 years and it's turned out to have been the experience of my life,” Anthony continues. “It deals with something I care deeply about: the struggle to create a world where everyone lives with prosperity and dignity.”
Chris Anthony was kind enough to gift us with a copy of the book, and along with being blown away by how he communicates this intense subject matter, we were also impressed with the sheer scale of this work. Purchasers of this photography book are getting what feels like hundreds of well thought out and executed images — and there’s so much to see. Everything from the costumes to the props and locations were well thought out and mixed in with the very real poverty of the inner city.
Throughout the pages of “Thanks we’ll take it from here”, expect to see a vivid representation of what happens when the poor finally put the rich on the menu. Expect to somehow feel afraid, empowered and hopeful all at once.
Last but not least, expect pitchforks. Lots and lots of pitchforks. And when you’re done — if you’re of the 99% — you might feel an increasing urge to pick one up your damn self.
Learn more about the book here. For more photographers and photography book content, click here.